Q1, 2023

✅ Develop game concept

✅ Concept validation

✅ Complete PvP concept

Q2, 2023

✅ Brand identity development

✅ Website release

✅ Trailer release

Q3, 2023

✅ Social media launch

✅ Community growth

Q4, 2023

✅ Discord invites

✅ Company formation

Q1, 2024

✅ Community growth

✅ Seed round

Q2, 2024

✅ Whitelisting

✅ Marketing

✅ Private alpha release

Q3, 2024

✅ Launchpad and ICO listing

✅ Token generation event

✅ PvP game launch

Q4, 2024

✅ Extra game mechanics

✅ Puck NFT available

✅ Leaderboards launch

✅ Beginning of tournaments

Q1, 2025

✅ New game mode

✅ Arenas available to rent

Q2, 2025

✅ New game mode

✅ New Puck NFT collection for extra game mode

Last updated